Latest Mississippi River Delta news: Aug. 12, 2013

08.12.2013 | In Latest News, Uncategorized

Video: Hunt for BP oil continues on La. coast
By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 11, 2013.
“More than three years after the Deepwater Horizon/BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, crews are still searching the Louisiana coast for evidence of oil pollution…” (read more).

Restoration in the Gulf: The View From BP
Letter to the Editor by Geoff Morrell, BP. The New York Times. Aug. 11, 2013.
““Shirking Responsibility in the Gulf,” by Stephen Teague (Op-Ed, July 31), paints an incomplete picture of BP’s efforts to help economic restoration efforts in the Gulf…” (read more).

Louisiana coastal erosion lawsuit: State levee association committee comes out against it
By Benjamin Alexander-Bloch, | The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). Aug. 9, 2013.
“Already besieged by the governor’s opposition, the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East and its sweeping lawsuit against about 100 oil, gas and pipeline companies drew another opponent on Friday…” (read more).

Levee board association comes out against oil and gas lawsuit
By Jeff Adelson, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 11, 2013.
“Presidents of 22 levee boards in Louisiana came out unanimously Friday against a massive lawsuit against nearly 100 oil and gas companies filed by the New Orleans-area flood protection authority…” (read more).

What the levee authority really wants for Louisiana’s coast: John M. Barry
Op-Ed by John Barry, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). Aug. 10, 2013.
“The Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East — the levee board responsible for protecting metropolitan New Orleans east of the Mississippi River — filed suit July 24 against Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell and 94 other oil, gas and pipeline companies for destroying the land and marsh buffer that once provided natural protection to New Orleans from hurricanes…” (read more).

Making industry pay its share
Op-Ed by Foster Campbell, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Aug. 9, 2013.
“The lawsuit against major oil companies by the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East is long overdue…” (read more).

New Orleans is America’s comeback city: Bobby Jindal
By Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). Aug. 11, 2013.
“Eight years ago this month, Hurricane Katrina struck our shores, devastated our state and left the city of New Orleans in peril. Many people thought the city would never fully recover, but state and local leaders have worked together to prove the doubters wrong…” (read more).

Gulf oil spill: Halliburton gets off easy
By Editorial Page Staff, The Boston Globe. Aug. 12, 2013.
“THE PROPORTIONS of the Gulf oil spill in 2010 were truly staggering, and the punishments handed down to the companies responsible should be in keeping with the damage that they caused…” (read more).

Oyster hatchery ‘dream building’ soon to open on Grand Isle
By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 12, 2013.
“GRAND ISLE — After years of planning and years of catastrophes, a building to house oyster hatchery operations on Grand Isle is under construction and expected to provide a big boost to Louisiana’s oyster industry…” (read more).

BP must cover actual losses
Op-Ed by William Large, President of the Florida Justice Reform Institute. Pensacola News Journal. Aug. 10, 2013.
“Recent news reports and court filings have raised some troubling questions about who is benefiting from the BP Deepwater Horizon settlement, whether claimants are being treated equally and what that might mean for the economic victims of future industrial accidents…” (read more).

Forecasts still call for six to nine hurricanes
By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 11, 2013.
“Expectations for an above-average 2013 hurricane season remain, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s midseason forecast update that was released Thursday…” (read more).