Meet Maura Wood

12.08.2010 | In People, Uncategorized

Maura Wood, Coastal Louisiana Senior Outreach Coordinator, NWF

Maura Wood is the Coastal Louisiana Senior Outreach Coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation.  In her role, she meets with various stakeholders in coastal communities to understand their concerns and differences of opinion and ensure decision makers hear their perspectives.

“We are all in favor of repairing our damaged coast, but when it comes down to details, differing opinions can bring a project to a halt,” Wood said.  “Working out our differences is vital to achieving comprehensive restoration, so talking to people representing different economic, social, environmental, government, and community interests gives me a unique overview of the opportunities for common ground on coastal restoration.”

Wood received her Bachelor’s of Science in Natural Science/Education from the University of Wisconsin and her Master’s of Science in Oceanography and Coastal Science from Louisiana State University.